EPA information on Idling
Below is information on Idling from the EPA website: Idling A typical heavy-duty truck or bus can burn approximately one gallon of diesel fuel for each hour it idles, generating significant amounts of pollution, wasting fuel, and causing excessive engine wear. To reduce idling without sacrificing comfort, vehicle owners can use mobile or […]
An Interesting Conversation
A local delivery company just tested one of our tracking systems and was surprised by the results. Here is how the conversation went. Owner: What time did you get back last night from your delivery? Driver: 9:30, PM Owner: Wow, that late. Driver: Lots of traffic and I couldn’t find one location. Owner: Are […]
Overcoming Resistance to New Policies and Technology.
Anytime managers or owners implement new policies there is bound to be resistance from some employees. This is no more evident when a company implements GPS tracking and telematics to their fleet. Learning how to implement vehicle monitoring systems in a positive way can help managers avoid pushback from drivers. Known Benefits of Telematics Push […]