Why GPS Tracking Is Not Just For Location Anymore.
Everyone knows that GPS tracking is beneficial to locate vehicles but today’s tracking is much more. A good tracking system should include additional items at no extra cost.
- Easy to Use Interface: How easy is it to use. Cumbersome interfaces and difficulty finding the information you need can be frustrating drawbacks to inferior or cheaper systems.
- Reliability: Is the system reliable? Using the best available components makes for a better system.
- Maintenance: Set up alerts for maintenance reminders such as oil changes, tire rotations etc..
- Location Alerts: The ability to alert the user when a vehicle leaves or enters a per-designated area.
- Speed Alerts: Alert user on speeding and other types irresponsible driving.
- Reports: Easy to configure reports and save as PDF or excel spreadsheets. Reports should be able to be sent automatically on a pre-determined date; daily, weekly or monthly.
- Closest Vehicle: For multiple vehicles the ability to locate a vehicle closest to an address. Great for businesses that do emergency calls.
- Smart Phone App: Most systems that work well on a laptop or computer do not translate well to smart phones or tablets. A system that has an app designed to work on a smartphone or tablet is a great advantage.
- Mileage Report: Reporting for IFTA or tax purposes.
Additional items that should be available at an extra cost could include:
- Garmin integration: the ability for managers to communicate and set routes to drivers navigation device.
- PTO: For those using PTO’s the ability to monitor use.
- Asset Tracking: tracking motorized as well as non-motorized assets. These typically would be at a lower cost.
When reviewing options it is always important to review what you are getting and what you are paying.
“Price without quality is never a bargain”
For more information on GPS Tracking and the benefits available go to: www.bostonglobaltracking.com
Boston Global Tracking is a local American owned business with a national presence serving any business with vehicles on the road. Fleets From 1 to 1,000’s.